铁甲工程机械网> 工程机械资讯> 行业 > 柳工机械科特迪瓦有限公司开业



10 月 17 日, 柳工机械科特迪瓦有限公司(以下简称“柳工科特”)在阿比让正式开业。“通过高效的设备、完善的售后服务支持,柳工科特将不仅为科特迪瓦核心区,还将为周边国家提供所需的基础设施支持和解决方案,为当地建筑、采矿、社区发展、林业等行业带来更大的经济价值。”广西柳工机械股份有限公司高级副总裁罗国兵在开幕致辞中表示。

Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire – October 17 – LiuGong Machinery Cote d’Ivoire (hereinafter referred to as “LiuGong Cote d’Ivoire”) officially opened. “Through efficient equipment and comprehensive after-sales service, LiuGong Cote d'Ivoire will not only serve the core area of Cote d'Ivoire but also provide the necessary infrastructure support and solutions for neighboring countries, bringing greater economic value to local industries such as construction, mining, community development, and forestry,” said Luo Guobing, Senior Vice President of LiuGong during the opening speech.

可可迪市政府代表N'Zi Odette、中国驻科特迪瓦大使馆经商处参赞鲁军、广西柳工机械股份有限公司高级总监邓涛、柳工科特副总经理吴开梦、柳工科特独家经销商RIMCO总经理Jean-Philippe PETIT、科特迪瓦中资企业商会副会长单位&中国土木科特迪瓦有限公司副总经理田树斌、多家当地媒体,以及来自加纳、尼日利亚、喀麦隆等国家的200多名行业客户、经销商和嘉宾出席了开业典礼。

N'Zi Odette, representative of the Cocodi Municipal Government, Lu Jun, Counselor of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Chinese Embassy in Côte d'Ivoire, Deng Tao, Senior Director of LiuGong, Wu Kaimeng, Deputy General Manager of LiuGong Cote d'Ivoire, Jean-Philippe PETIT, General Manager of RIMCO, Tian Shubin, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce of Chinese Enterprises in Côte d'Ivoire & Deputy General Manager of China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation in Cote d'Ivoire, local medias and more than 200 industry customers, dealers and representatives from Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon and other countries attended the opening ceremony.

Lu Jun



Cote d'Ivoire is a crucial transportation hub, maritime center, and financial hub on the West African coast. Its stable political situation, favorable business environment, and diverse open market demands have attracted a significant number of Chinese companies to invest and develop in Cote d'Ivoire. As a global company, LiuGong has full-line products and comprehensive solutions. LiuGong Cote d'Ivoire will actively fulfill its social responsibilities, and contribute to the cooperation between China and Cote d'Ivoire and create more value for the customers.

柳工科特在开业仪式上展示了广泛用于采矿、物流和建筑行业的 5 款明星产品,包括933E 挖掘机、4215D 平地机、CLG2450 正面吊、ZL50 CN 轮式装载机和B230 推土机。

During the ceremony, LiuGong Cote d’Ivoire displayed 5 star products that are widely used in mining, logistics and construction industries, including 933E excavator, 4215D motor grader, CLG2450 reach stacker, ZL50 CN wheel loader and B230 bulldozer.


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吴开梦 Wu Kaimeng


Wu Kaimeng expressed gratitude for all the attendees and elaborated on LiuGong’s solutions in various fields such as road construction, infrastructure, and mining. He stated that LiuGong Cote d'Ivoire will continuously enhance its after-sales service to provide efficient and professional support for West African customers.

Jean Phillie PETIT |

Jean Phillie PETIT表示,RIMCO已经与柳工携手合作两年多,柳工科特的成立将加强双方的合作伙伴关系,并进一步践行对科特迪瓦和西非经济发展的承诺。

Jean Phillie PETIT stated that they have been collaborating with LiuGong for over two years, and the establishment of LiuGong Cote d'Ivoire not only strengthens their partnership but also further demonstrates their commitment to the economic development of Cote d'Ivoire and West Africa.


After the opening ceremony, LiuGong Cote d’Ivoire also held a launch ceremony of LiuGong West Africa Service Tour.











In 2002, LiuGong put forward the globalization strategy. Since then, LiuGong has had over 30 overseas subsidiaries & offices, 4 overseas manufacturing plants and 5 R&D bases spreading across the world. More than 300 dealers provide LiuGong products and services to the customers in over 170 countries & regions. Guided by the reform of building a world-class enterprise with global competitiveness, LiuGong will continue to actively build a synergistic global strategic partnership across the entire value chain by firmly promoting the "Total Globalization, Total Solution and Total Intelligent" strategy.


