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SteinExpo 2023 | 柳工在德国大秀采石采矿实力


当地时间8月23日至26日,柳工携系列重型设备参展德国SteinExpo 2023,并在展会上首次重点展示其采石采矿实力。

Homberg, Germany - August 23rd to 26th, 2023 - LiuGong attended SteinExpo 2023 and introduced its heavy machine range to the German market, highlighting the quarrying & mining capability at the exhibition for the first time.

SteinExpo 2023

SteinExpo 2023国际建材业示范展,是欧洲同类展中规模最大、最独特的展会,今年是第11届。

SteinExpo 2023 is the 11th international demonstration show for the construction materials industry, the biggest and most unique demo show of its kind in Europe.

强悍的系列设备   A formidable range


SteinExpo 2023

Visitors to the LiuGong booth were impressed by a line-up of quarry-ready static and demo machines. Flagship 995F excavator was the centre of on-site attention, demonstrating its formidable 95 tonne handling capability. A collection of new, 39-52T F-Series excavators (939F, 942F, 952F), set a new level for toughness, comfort, and reliability. Designed according to the operators’ requirements, they all share LiuGong’s Red Dot award-winning design DNA. 

SteinExpo 2023

“新的F系列挖掘机具有诸多优势,如更宽更坚固的底盘、大直径动臂油缸和更重的配重,实现了超强的起重能力和大体积挖掘能力。此外,它们还采用了智能技术,使得操作更轻松。”柳工欧洲产品经理Harry Mellor介绍道。

“The new F-series excavators are packed with advantages such as wider, tougher undercarriages, increased diameter boom cylinders and heavier counterweights for impressive lifting capability and mass excavation ability. Also, they are intelligent, using smart technology to make the operation easier,” said Harry Mellor, Product Manager of LiuGong Europe.

SteinExpo 2023


When it comes to material handling, LiuGong wheel loaders have earned their global reputation for toughness and reliability. Weighing in at 32,500 kg, the 890H attracted visitors to take a closer look and experience it. It's currently LiuGong's largest wheel loader available to European customers.


Backed up by reliable dealers


Supported by an extensive German dealer network, LiuGong’s new line-up of machines will better meet the tough demands of the German quarrying and mining sectors. 

SteinExpo 2023

柳工欧洲副总经理Hakan Ilhan表示:“破碎、起重、装载和运输...…我们与整个欧洲的客户进行了交流,倾听意见并创造了一系列符合其需求的设备。柳工品牌现在广受认可,吸引了越来越多的欧洲客户,这不仅因为高质量和可靠的设备,还因为柳工和经销商可以提供主动式、一流售后支持,我们对此引以为傲。在德国经销商强大可靠的网络支持下,相信柳工的设备和服务会脱颖而出,告别停机之忧。”

According to Hakan Ilhan, Vice President of LiuGong Europe, “Breaking, lifting, loading and carrying… We’ve talked and listened to customers right across Europe, created a range of machines that perfectly matched their requirements. The LiuGong brand is now widely recognised, and we are attracting more and more customers, not only for the quality and reliability of our machines, but for the proactive and first-class after-sales support we and our dealers pride ourselves on. We have a very strong dealer network here in Germany, so when down-time is not an option, we believe that our machines and our back-up make the difference.”

SteinExpo 2023

“我们始终倾听和了解客户,并为其工况设计最佳设备,这一点,我们重型设备的优越性能以及所获得的红点奖可以证明。此外,我们也将会在采石和矿山领域进一步证明。”柳工欧洲总经理Howard Dale说道。

Howard Dale, President of LiuGong Europe, expressed, “We have always been listening to and understanding our customers to design the best equipment for their applications. We have proven this with our Red Dot Award-winning design and in heavy machine capability, and I believe we will further demonstrate it in the quarry and mining sectors soon.”

By Adam Matuszewski










In 2002, LiuGong put forward the globalization strategy. Since then, LiuGong has had over 30 overseas subsidiaries & offices, 4 overseas manufacturing plants and 5 R&D bases spreading across the world. More than 300 dealers provide LiuGong products and services to the customers in over 170 countries & regions. Guided by the reform of building a world-class enterprise with global competitiveness, LiuGong will continue to actively build a synergistic global strategic partnership across the entire value chain by firmly promoting the "Total Globalization, Total Solution and Total Intelligent" strategy.


